Today we meet Andre, he is the new coordinator of Vitality 2021!
"I’m Andre from Italy, and if I was an animal I would be either a monkey or a squirrel. I like to be playful, to put energy and enthusiasm in what I do, and express myself honestly! After years working and living as a software developer, I started to take steps in the physical and social world. Now I’m passionate about movement, music and dance! I spent the last 5 years discovering myself and the world through these practices, creating new experiences completely out of my comfort-zone. Working initially as a life coach in Italy, I started in 2019 to explore the Erasums+ world, with youth exchanges and training courses. I fell in love with it, with the people and all these different cultures! In 2020 I moved in the Netherlands for my ESC in Olde Vechte Foundation, where I managed to experience and learn much of what I wanted, and even more that I couldn’t even imagine. Last week I arrived here in Bergolo, in this magical place, now covered in snow. Seeing the landscapes, meeting the rest of the team, I am very excited about all the projects, ideas and new experiences we are gonna have here in the coming months!"